Best Glue for Cardboard and Paper 2023

Cardboards are lightweight and do not need strong adhesives to make a strong bond with any other surface. If you think so, you are wrong. Because cardboards also need strong adhesives to strengthen its bonding. Remember that every Glue in the market is not a perfect choice for cardboard bonding. 

Some common characteristics that you should look for before deciding to buy it. Bonding strength, drying time, and curing time. But in the case of cardboard, you have to look for an extra feature: transparent finishing. Cardboards are mainly used for decoration purposes, so you must select a glue that finishes transparently.

To solve your problem, we have compiled a list of the Best Glue for Cardboard. After reading this article, we are confident that you will be able to achieve what you seek. You can have a look at the best glue for MDF

Here is the list of 5 Best Glue for Cardboard

Gorilla Heavy Duty Spray Adhesive
Gorilla Heavy Duty Spray Adhesive
Check on Amazon
Elmer's E461 Craftbond Tacky Glue
Elmer’s E461 Craftbond Tacky Glue
Check on Amazon
Gorilla Clear Glue
Gorilla Clear Glue
Check on Amazon
Lineco Books by Hand pH Neutral Adhesive
Lineco Books by Hand pH Neutral Adhesive
Check on Amazon
Aleene's 3 Pack, 8 oz Tacky Glue
Aleene’s 3 Pack, 8 oz Tacky Glue
Check on Amazon

1. Gorilla Heavy Duty Spray Adhesive

Gorilla Heavy Duty Spray Adhesive

Gorilla Heavy Duty Spray Adhesive
9.4/10 Our Score


  • Material: Clear When Dries
  • Battery: Strong Bonding
  • Weight: Perfect for Cardboard

As the name suggests, that is a spray adhesive and is perfect if you are looking for Glue that should evenly spread over the surface you want to glue. One of the best options for even application on any surface.

It provides a transparent finish that is best for cardboard crafting. It is made from cardboard to cardboard. But it does not mean you can’t use it on other surfaces. You will get the best results even if you use it for the following surfaces photos, metal, fabric, paper, leather, foam, glass, wood, and some plastics.

Its transparent finish gives cardboard crafting a new look. This is the point where most of the adhesives fail because they turn yellow when dry.

Gorilla Spray Adhesive dries quickly, which is good for quick results. This heavy-duty Glue can adhere to almost anything on the cardboard surface. You aim to get fast results; the gorilla spray is the way to go.

Though it meets all the environmental Protection Agency requirement standards, it is safe to use. The product should be handled in a completely ventilated environment. Use gloves and a mask before using the product.

Repositional time is up to 10 minutes. This 10 minutes repositioning time gives the crafter some time to rectify their mistakes. 

  • Transparent finishnEvenly distributionn10 minutes repositioning timenGood for making bonds between different surfacesnCardboard to cardboard is excellentn
  • Fumes emissionnNot the safest choice for usen

2. Elmer’s E461 Craftbond Tacky Glue

Elmer’s E461 Craftbond Tacky Glue

9.4/10 Our Score


  • Material: Transparent
  • Battery: Strong Bonding
  • Weight: Perfect for Cardboard

Elmer’s E461 Craftbond Tacky Glue is tailored-made for crafters and decorators. You can make different models and designs using Elmer’s E461 Glue. 

It can’t be categorized as the strongest Glue compared to other adheres available in the market, but it still produces a tight hold between two surfaces. And we also do not require heavy-duty glues for making cardboard models and decoration pieces. 

It dries quickly enough. So, for those who love to have quick results, Elmer’s E461 Craftbond Tacky Glue is worth considering. 

When it dries and becomes transparent, transparency is required in decoration or crafting objects. So, it is the best fit for crafters and decorators. 

Due to their low viscosity, adhesives with quick results always run from the surface. But, in the case of Elmer’s E461 Craftbond Tacky Glue it is different. A no-run formula will prevent Glue from being wasted during use.

  • Ideal for docurationnNo run formula nTransparent finishingnQuick dryn
  • Not the strongest glue out there in the market.


3. Gorilla Clear Glue, 5.75 Ounce Bottle

Gorilla Clear Glue, 5.75 Ounce Bottle

Gorilla Clear Glue, 5.75 Ounce Bottle=
9.4/10 Our Score


  • Material: Clear When Dries
  • Battery: Strong Bonding
  • Weight: Perfect for Cardboard

Gorilla Clear Glue is specially made for DIY and crafting projects. Gorilla is a world-known brand with various products for almost every surface. This 5.75 Ounce bottle is good for cardboard crafting. Make models, designs, and decoration pieces in no time. 

The Glue settles in no time and hardly takes more than 10 seconds. The Gorilla Clear Glue will be a good choice for decorators who search for Glue with quick results. 

The curing time of the Glue is about 10 hours. It gives you enough time to rectify your mistake if the surface is not perfectly placed. This is a brilliant choice for crafters.

Create bonding literally between any surface, Wood, Stone, Metal, Ceramic, Foam, Glass & plenty others. Cardboard to cardboard the results are exceptional. 

Water-resistant features give you long-lasting results. So, overall a perfect choice for a decorator who loves to play with cardboard.

  • Transparent finishnQuickly driesnStrongnGood choice for DIYnWater resistantn
  • A bit toxic

4. Lineco Books by Hand pH Neutral Adhesive

Lineco Books by Hand pH Neutral Adhesive

ineco Books by Hand pH Neutral Adhesive=
9.4/10 Our Score


  • Material: Clear When Dries
  • Battery: Strong Bonding
  • Weight: Perfect for Cardboard

Lineco Books by Hand pH Neutral Adhesive offers a number of advantages. You can use it for DIY projects with ease. It is non-toxic and can be used without any fear.

An exceptional product, cardboard gluing. You can use it for photographs, bookbinding, artwork framing, and cardboard projects. 

Its water-soluble feature is excellent. You can mix it with water to enhance settling time. This feature gives you more time to work with. You can also remove the Glue before it settles down permanently.

Acid-free, quick drying time, and transparent finish are the other fantastic features to consider because all these qualities are basic requirements. 

  • Quick drynNon-toxicnTransparent finish nGood for crafting and decorationnAcid-freenArtwork and framing is easyn
  • Not good for heavy-duty use

5. Aleene’s 3 Pack, 8 oz Tacky Glue

Aleene’s 3 Pack, 8 oz Tacky Glue

Aleene's 3 Pack, 8 oz Tacky Glue=
9.4/10 Our Score


  • Material: Clear When Dries
  • Battery: Strong Bonding
  • Weight: Perfect for Cardboard

We have another product for your cardboard DIY projects. It offers a lot when it comes to cardboard design. The product is free from toxic material, which means it is safe to use. Its quick-drying formula is good for instant results. 

Aleene’s tacky Glue is water soluble. So, diluting the Glue is not an issue at all. Due to this feature, you can remove it from any surface with ease. When it dries, it becomes solid and hard to remove.

The Glue, after settling down, does not turn yellow. This transparent finish makes it a perfect choice for DIY projects. The decoration is easy with this product as everything is bonded tightly with a transparent finish.

  • Water soluble nEasy to removenStrong bondingnTransparent finishnPerfect for DIY projectsnNon-toxicn
  • Not good for heavy-duty tasks

FAQs about Best Glue for Cardboard

Does Gorilla glue work on cardboard?

Gorilla glue covers almost everything. It can make a body with any surface. So, gorilla glue does not carry any issues making bonds with cardboard. This is a perfect choice to choose for your cardboard DIY projects.

What is the best Glue for cardboard?

The list of glues you have in the article is perfect for cardboard. Any of them will work properly on a cardboard surface. But if you ask to select one, I will recommend the Gorilla Clear Glue.


The 5 Best Glue for Cardboard selected in the article are perfect for your DIY projects. They all have quick dry time, a transparent finish, and strong bonding when settled. But I like Gorilla Clear Glue as it also offers water-resistant features. 

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